
WASD  or arrow - to move
LMB - to shot
RMB - activate/deactivate time control
Space - open/close perks window
M - turn on/off background music

How to play:

Click Start button to start the game

Use WASD or arrows to move the player on the ground. Click LMB to shot.

Collect small blue points - it's perk points. When you collect any of them, then the variants of available perks is randomly changed. At every time available only three perks.

When you collect several perk points - open the window by pressing Space key. This will pause the game. Spend several perk points to upgrade any of available perks.

You can press RMB and stop the time. The time is start when the player is moved. If it stops - the the time also is stopped. This time control mode spend an energy. It turned off by RMB or when the energy is over. You can increase the energy amount by upgrading corresponding perk.

At start the player has three shield modules. When the enemy attacks the player, then one of the shield module is destroyed and kill all enemies in some radius near the player.

You can buy additional modules in the perks window (when corresponding perk is available). It's also possible to increase the explosion radius when the shield module is used.


Increase movement speed

Increase the frequency of shots

Increase the number of bullets per one shot

Increase the power of the shot

Increase the time control energy

Add one shield module

Increase the radius of the explosion

Technical information

All game logic implemented by using Rust and Legion ECS framework. It compiled into WebAssembly module by using wasm-pack. Browser plays the role of a simple render engine. It send user inputs to the module, collects the game states and visualize it on 2d canvas by using procedural shapes. All browser logic written on TypeScript.

Background music credits

All tracks downloaded from It's six top-rated tracks with appropriate style:
Alex Productions - Epic Cinematic Trailer
Alex Productions - Extreme Trap Racing Music
Alex Productions - Epic Cyberpank
Alex Productions - Legendary Epic Heroic
Alex Productions - Power Trap Beat
Darren Curtis - Samura Sake Showdown

Average sessionA few minutes
InputsKeyboard, Mouse